Metodus Limited was established in 1994 as a consultancy firm, focussed on improving our clients’ competitiveness. We have now over 10 years of experience in implementing value added project management consultancy across a wide range of customers.
Metodus Ltd. has become a market leading consultancy service in Hungary over the past years. The majority of our partners operate businesses and we also work with several municipalities and non-profit organizations.
After years of successful business consulting, we have accumulated a diverse portfolio of experience. We are opening new frontieres in business investments, developing our own projects:
- Aircraft Inspection System
- Confectionery pastry manufacture
- Private day-care facility.
Quality policy
Our company is committed to deliver the utmost quality in everything we do. We apply a high level internal function and communication policy to ensure these quality standards and procedures in our everyday working processes. The internal function is designed to support our experts’ insights and motivation, a great contribution to the company’s and customers’ success. Our flexibility in re-designing is another asset in remaining focused on long term goals. We aim to build long term business relationships, to maximize the synergy forming capacity of a valuable network of business leaders. A close cooperation with our clients stands for a reliable standard of service excellence. The team is honoured to be recognized by our customers for our commitment to their results. We are proud to have your trust, one of our major achievements that supports our market leading position.
Managing partners of Metodus Ltd. are certified as Trusted Advisors by PÁTOSZ ( National Association of Project Development Professionals) since 2014.
Project planning
We believe that business planning is not a surplus but a vital necessity when assessing viability of a project. We focus on developing our clients’ ideas into viable, fruitful projects with our step by step guidance.
Strategic consulting
Strategy consulting service is aimed at improving our clients’ domestic and international competitiveness. We draw up a strategy and define the processes and tasks of its effective delivery.
Marketing consultancy
The necessity of a good solid marketing activity has been widely recognised amongst small and midsize enterprises in Hungary in recent years. Company strategy is vitally supported by the proper planning of marketing. Delivered as part of the package with a thorough market research, our clients are provided with a clear vision of positioning their product and services.
Organisational development
During assessment of operational structure, we identify weak points in the current planning of processes and formulate developmental scenarios. Building a new organisational plan includes defining the tasks of organization and improvements to be implemented. We chart the chain of command and reporting lines as well to match the newly established and improved organisational setup.
Grant application consultancy
After choosing the right call for application we assess our client’s eligibility in regard of the application criteria. Economy data of project is put through our scoring system to have a realistic assessment of expected success. Should the applicant not be eligible for any given call, we’ll notice our client at the next possible call for application they might be eligible for upon registered data.
Project management
Developmental work on a client’s project, involving the completion of business and feasibility studies, results in complex data, raw material of project management tasks that we turn into outcomes.
Public procurement
We can represent either contractor or contracting authority, with professional experience in public administration.
Horizontal objectives consultancy
For monitoring compliance with the horizontal principles we provide screening and situation analysis of our clients.
Current calls for proposals
Capacity building investments:
IT developments:
Building energy efficiency:
Research and development:
Agricultural projects:
Improving working conditions:
Increasing competitiveness:
Kedvezményezett neve: METODUS Üzletviteli Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Projekt címe: A Metodus Kft versenyképességének növelése adaptív technológiai innováció révén
Szerződött támogatás összege: 10 065 787 Ft
Támogatás mértéke (%-ban): 50%
Projekt tényleges befejezési dátuma: 2019.03.20.
Projekt tartalmának bemutatása:
A Metodus Kft. a fejlődési lehetőségeket keresve egy új tevékenységi területét szeretné fejleszteni, mégpedig a TEÁOR 1082- Édesség gyártása tevékenységét. A beszerzésre kerülő bon-bon gyártó gép és csokoládéolvasztó tank a fejlesztendő tevékenység szempontjából jelent kiemelt fontosságú fejlesztést. A bon-bon gyártása eddigi tevékenységhez nem kapcsolódott, és ennek hatására a teljesen új termék jön létre, mely a szóban forgó édesség. A vállalat számára a tevékenységi körének kiterjesztése fejlődési lehetőség, és innovatív tartalom egyben, melyekhez a beszerzendő eszközök révén létrejövő új termékek szolgálnak alapul. Korábban a vállalat nem rendelkezett ilyen eszközökkel, és a hozzá kapcsolódó támogató szoftverrel. A vállalkozás versenyképessége nő azáltal, hogy új eddig nem ismert piacok felé tud nyitni, ott termékével megjelenni, melynek szerves része a szóban forgó adaptív innováció. A jövedelmezőség szintén növekszik, hiszen a kiterjesztett tevékenység kapcsán új bevételek generálódnak, hiszen a vállalkozás egyre jövedelmezőbb kínálattal képes kiszolgálni a fizetőképes keresletet.
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- 1095 Budapest, Mester utca 48-52 4/403
- }9.00-17.00
- +36 1 816 1538
- info@metodus.hu